Thursday, February 18, 2010

How do I remove dried acrylic paint from a clear plastic pallet?

My favorite pallet has dried acrylic paint on it. How can I remove the paint without damaging the pallet?How do I remove dried acrylic paint from a clear plastic pallet?
I've been using old plastic cafeteria food trays (the ones divided into sections) for years as my pallets. Removing the dried out leftover acrylic paint is easy, at least in my case. All I need to do is catch a side of the dried paint (usually just a fingernail does the trick) and peel it up. If you don't want to use a fingernail something like an old butter knife will do just as well. Or even a pallet knife. All you need to do is get the blade under the edge of the dried paint and life it up slightly. Then you can simply peel the paint away from the pallet.How do I remove dried acrylic paint from a clear plastic pallet?
Soak it in the sink- the acrylics will peel off with a little help from you. Then you don't have to scratch it all up---
Scrape it off with a razor. That has to be carefully done but it is about the only way to get rid of the paint. Acrylics are a plastic and once they set there is nothing that will dissolve the stuff.

Regarding your pallet I would say the you will have to carefully scrape it off with a wide razor sharp blade.
What the other two said :) You can take those acrylic scraps and use them for collage. Just use some matte or gloss medium to adhere them to your surface.

Acrylic should just peal right off if it is plastic??? Perhaps it is wood.?. Rubbing alcohol will dissolve acrylic paint eventually. That is how re-modelers check to see if you have oil based or acrylic paint on your wood trim in your house...or they SHOULD. You could also try a stripper.
I pour boiling water over it and let it soak overnight. It peals off in one nice chunk. Kinda fun to do too...
either scrape it up or fill it with water and let it sit for a day or two and then it should just come right off.

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